Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Tuesday, addressed the Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) through video-conference in New Delhi.
Mr. Modi said This [IMC] is the gathering of brightest minds in the telecom sector.
The Prime Minister said Even as we are experiencing rapid speed at which connectivity is improving, we know the acceleration has just begun.
Mr. Modi said It is important to think and plan, how do we improve lives with the upcoming technology. Better healthcare, better education, better information and opportunities for farmers are some of the goal we can achieve with innovation.
 In his address, Mr. Modi said It is because of mobile technology that we are able to provide benefits worth billions of dollars to citizens. It is because of our mobile technology that we were able to help poor and vulnerable quickly during the pandemic…It is also with the help of mobile technology that we will embark on one of the worlds largest COVID-19 vaccination programmes.
Due to technology upgradation, we have a culture of replacing handsets and gadgets frequently. Can the industry form a task force to think of a better way of handling the electronic waste, says Mr. Modi.
The future holds great potential with the rapid technology progress.. We need to work together to ensure timely roll out of 5G to leapfrog in the future and empower millions of Indians, the Prime Minister said..